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ByGeorge Pennacchio

Tuesday, April 4 2023 at 01.00

Dwayne Johnson reveals a live-action version of 'Moana' is in the works

ANGEL — Dwayne Johnson made a big movie announcement Monday, and the big clue to this was “You're welcome.”

“We are very excited and excited to announce that a live-action version of ‘Moana' is in the works,” said Johnson, who was accompanied by her two young daughters.

Like its animated predecessor, this film will celebrate the islands, communities, and traditions of Pacific Islanders as seen through the eyes of a young woman who wants to make her own way. Moana's journey of self-discovery and reflection on her ancestral life wins hearts around the world, as does her newfound friendship with an exiled demigod named Maui.

Not only will the once-animated world of “Moana” be present in live-action, Johnson will reprise his role as the demigod Maui for the new version.

“We found so much inspiration for Maui in my late grandfather,” said Johnson. “He would walk in, light up the room, the energy, the tattoos, the hair! … When I brought Maui to life, I did it in the spirit of my grandfather.”

Johnson added it's still very early in the process and there is still a lot of work to be done before we see “Moana” back on the big screen.

Disney is the parent company of this station.

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